If the guest is have Xorg display server installed on the system, you can use spice (wayland support is still in question).
so far I came up with ssh-based solution if the guest is only provide tty

it's equal to instant copy-paste, and you are no longer need to type 100 character of some secret strings from your host ^^
further more, you can use scp
to make your life more easier.
Tips and Trick
You can add new devices with QEMU monitor that make your life easier to inspect running instance, View > compatmonitor0 (CTRL+ALT 2
) on GUI mode or CTRL+A C
on CLI mode (-nographic
Learn more about graphics on respective manual page
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -display help
Available display backend types:
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -vga help
none no graphic card
std standard VGA (default)
cirrus Cirrus VGA
vmware VMWare SVGA
qemu-system-x86_64: type is NULL
qemu-system-x86_64: type is NULL
virtio Virtio VGA
TODO: learn more about opengl practically
links and references:
- reddit user briefly talk about share clipboard with spice - reddit.com
- comprehensive wikipedia about QEMU - wiki.archlinux.org
- same tutorial like arch wiki shows - eightify.app
- not related to the subject but it's a friendly guide to getting started with QEMU - drewdevault.com
- talking about tty - linusakesson.net
- talking about pts, shell and terminal - poor.dev
- talking about character device and serial console and it seems related to char device (see
) - superuser.com - talking about internal of QEMU monitor - airbus-seclab.github.io
- Playing with Character Devices - medium.com
- access serial console with telnet - uni-koeln.de