How to remap keycodes in Xorg

24年 9月 23日 Monday
103 words
1 minutes


When I tried to zoom in and out of my st terminal using the internal keyboard, it didn't work. I'm certain that I was pressing the correct key combination (Ctrl+Shift+Page Up/Down), but it didn't trigger any response. I use xev to debug the issue and turns out the Page up/down in the numpad area was different compared to the keycodes from external keyboard, so how to resolve this issue?

Using xmodmap

xmodmap -e "keycode 81 = Prior"
xmodmap -e "keycode 89 = Next"
xmodmap -e "keycode 79 = Home"

make the changes persistent across xorg session:

xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap

and edit your .xinitrc file to append:

xmodmap .Xmodmap

Title:How to remap keycodes in Xorg


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